Tenda Prototype Deploys in Bali

Constructed over the course of the pandemic, the first Tenda is Soori Bali has been deployed adjacent to the lush padi fields of Kelating, overlooking sunrises framed by Mount Batu.

The Tenda (bahasa for tent) is an ecologically-empathetic retreat created to inspire and empower travelers in the exploration of new ways of creating, thinking and living on our finite, green and blue planet. Situated in Kelating village, just minutes from Soori Bali, the retreat takes shape as a herd of self-sustaining, cabins; or tenda; a discursive provocation of how architecture and design can rally to make palatable off-grid living a real proposition.

The first prototype will serve as a testbed for scientific, measurable, sustainability research , and focus on making the Tenda a carbon-neutral in terms of construction and operations


Soori Rice Initiative


Tenda as a Research Tool